Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Can you imagine seeing this drive by?!! Incredible! LOL!!


Anonymous said...

This is insane!!!! Look at the cars back tire!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention...I see you are reading This Unbroken Sky. Are you participating in the B&N First Look Book club? I am! I couldn't wait. I finished the book. How do you like it so far?

Natalie W said...

Oh i tried to email you but i'm not sure it went thru.
Yes i am and am almost done reading it. I totally love it!!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

LOL, LOL, LOL >> the best laugh I had today! Thanks

Lisa said...

Diane summed up my feelings entirely!

Anonymous said...

This is so great! Unbelievable!!! How many people are in that car?