I saw this on Laurels site Laurel-Rains Connection and thought it would be fun to join in! A Bit Of Me is hosted by There's A Book and this is what she has to say about it:
"We all leave our “footprint” on the world, in one way or another. We each, individually, do something or are someone that makes the world a little better just by being here. I created this weekly meme to get to know the blogging community I love just a bit better. To know what makes them tick, outside of books, that is. Each week I will post a question to be answered in the following week’s “A Bit of Me(Me)”. Check back each Saturday to get the info for next week’s post and link up with your current post right here.
I know, some of you are skeptical about putting yourself out there on the internet and I completely respect that. That’s the entire reason I have no desire to ever reveal the “real” names of The Turkeybird and Littlebug. In time, once they’re old enough, if they chose to do that on their own I will respect their decision. So, if ever during the time I’m doing this meme do you feel the question is just too personal for your liking, feel free to post something else, I never want anyone to feel uncomfortable with what they share and I promise it will always be “kid-friendly”. I mean, this is a primarily children’s and young adult site, you know?"
This Weeks Question: What is your favorite word and why?
I'm pretty much flummoxed all the time !!
So whats your favorite word?
Glad you joined in, Natalie...flummox is a fabulous word!
Flummox is a great word. I'm not sure what my favorite word would be, but that's something to think about for sure!
I love it! I feel like such a dork reading these words that I know but dont use. LOL
I LOVE your choice! I often feel a bit flummoxed, but it's generally because I'm at a loss as to why my kids do some of the things they do on a regular basis. Just perplexing!
Thanks so much for jumping in with this! I hope to see you again!
My favorite word changes all the time. Lately I can't stop using gaggle :)
I could not possibly choose a favorite word. I carry a dictionary around everywhere,I love words in general!
Hope you had a great weekend.
Hi! I'm late getting caught up but wanted to thank you for being a part of Friendly Friday! I'm following you back through GFC!
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