Thursday, March 24, 2011

Booking Through Thursday!

Series? Or Stand-alone books?

I love a good series!  I would probably read a series over a stand alone. Couple I have enjoyed, Beverly Lewis, Left Behind series. I don't know if Patricia Cornwells Scarpetta are considered actual series but  I love her books. I also have in my tbr stack the Twilight series! I loved the movies so I'm hoping the books are better!

What do you prefer??


Unknown said...

I love series!
Here's mine:

Sally said...

I like to read a mix of both, but a lot of my favs are series books. I loved the first Twilight book but the rest not so much. I hope you enjoy them though.

Anonymous said...

I've a foot in each camp. Here's my answer:

KarenSi said...

You're right, it is a like a good tv series. I love nothing more than a dvd boxset and I always think they have similarities with a book series.

Shirley said...

I enjoyed the Twilight series and am actually counting down until the next one but the books are infinitely better!!!

Here's my answer to the question stand-alone or series.

Ruperto Prieto said...

I would go for the series...Since I've read so many of them! I love how the characters evolve and how they change their lives..

Jen at Red Hot Books said...

I thought the first Twilight movie was horrible, so I read the books to see what the fuss was about. I thought they were great. (Although you'll never catch me wearing a t-shirt proclaiming to be on someone's "team.") Hope you enjoy!

Alice said...

I liked the Twilight series too. The first and last book were my favorites.