Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mailbox Monday on Tuesday!

Mailbox Monday was created by 
and is now hosted by different blogs each month. This month its hosted by I'm Booking It

For Christmas, I received a Christianbook.com  gift certificate and this is what I got:

The Shack The Shack (Special Hardcover Edition) - Read and heard so many mixed reviews. Sounds interesting.

Ted Dekker's Kiss Kiss

Ted Dekker's BoneMan's Daughter's  BoneMan's Daughters  I have heard this were really good!

Seek Me With All Your Heart by Beth Wiseman  Seek Me with All Your Heart (A Land of Canaan Series)  Had to get an Amish book.

There's my eclectic pick!


Suko said...

I would really like to read The Shack and will be interested in your thoughts about it, Natalie.

Ruperto Prieto said...

I also would love to have a copy of The Shack. It looks really interesting. I haven't read any Amish book. I don't know much about them, but I did watched the movie "For Richer or Poorer" that starred Kristey Alley and Tim Allen. When I saw that film, I wanted to live in the country. It was so beautiful! :-)

Jillian said...

Hey I was just thinking yesterday that I should pay your blog a visit!

great looking reads as usual

LindyLouMac said...

Interesting selection Natalie

Alice said...

Happy reading, Natalie!