Saturday, September 19, 2009

Distant Thunder: Book One "The Lightening Chronicles"

Distant Thunder: Book One of the Lightning Chronicles
is an adventurous , intriguing and mysterious story. Even if your not a Christian lit . fan this book will keep you entertained!

For guys, it has plenty of air fighting action. I like how the author describes Moshe flying his jet . Moshe's jet is an F-161 Barak Lightening : " He reacquired his tactical display by looking at the panel just above his left knee. He immediately saw that the Jordanian planes were climbing towards the north. As their altitude allowed his radar to paint them more clearly, he was able to see that each triangle represented a formation of four"....

Captain Moshe Eldan is a Jewish F161 Pilot. Not a religious man until his wife attends an Ezekiel Conference and learns about the ancient prophecies of Ezekiel.
As his wife tells him what he learns, Moshe is somewhat fascinated.

God is impressing upon Ty, a Pastor of a small town church, to prepare His people for the the future. Ty gives a stunning, powerful sermon and it has ruffled some feathers! Ty is being approached by the deacons about his sermon, they want it stopped! But the Spirit is not letting him, he must continue to do Gods word.

Yaed is looking forward to his reward from Allah. The plan is in motion and Yaed will be carrying it out.......

I don't want to say to much more or I'll be spoiling it for you! An action packed story with a deep meaning , a highly recommend reading!

Distant Thunder website - Follow on twitter @JimmyRootJr - On Facebook


Kristen Howe said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I've added yours to my blogroll. Interesting book review and good blog.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

You have certainly captivated my interest with this review!

Sassy Brit @ said...

Sounds intriguing!

Check out my blog, if you haven't already seen my email! LOL

I'm so pleased you er...

Oh, I don't want to spoil the surprise.


Anonymous said...

This one does sound good. I am going to keep an eye on this one! :)