An intriguing story of four men, Henry , David, Frank & Joseph. Each have committed a murder and are roommates at a psychiatric facility. They tell their tale of their crimes and each have distinct characteristics.
The character that I found most interesting was Henry. An older gentleman, who at times was comical, married twice, tells of his travels with his wife to find the miracle cancer cure.
It started out a little slow but it sure picked up steam and really liked the ending.
From Amazon:
Product Description
Four men, age 18 to 81, have murdered, and now share a room in the secure forensic psychiatry ward of a mental hospital. Who better to get inside their heads, and find both the tragedy and comedy of their lives than Canadian psychiatrist and novelist David Laing Dawson. Three of Dawson's previous novels, Last Rights, Double Blind, and Essondale have been published in seven European countries, the US and the UK. Dawson's novels have been described as a cross between Elmore Leonard and Seinfeld and as close to reality as it gets.
About the Author:
Formerly Professor of Psychiatry, McMaster University, and Psychiatrist-in-Chief at Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital, Dr. Dawson now works part-time in clinical psychiatry, primarily with families, children, and adolescents. He devotes the rest of his time to teaching, writing, film making, and painting. He is the author of two academic books:
He has also written six novels and several screenplays. His film credits include "Manic", "My Name is Walter James Cross", and "Cutting for Stone".
His films and novels usually contain mental health themes, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer's, and addictions. And there is a relationship between his interest in Borderline Personality Disorder and his literary endeavors: There are many times, in our attempts to understand human behavior, when we need to bypass medical and psychological models, and think instead in the manner of a novelist or playwright.
From his website: Cutting For Stone
I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.
~~~Jorge Luis Borges
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Sounds like a book I might like.
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