Monday, March 15, 2010

Its Monday, What Are You Reading? Mailbox Monday...

  It's Monday What Are YOU Reading? Now hosted by Sheila over at One Persons Journey Through A World Of Books. A meme where we share what our weekly reading schedule.

I'm currently reading two books... well.... trying to.

Kill Me Twice by Jerry Bayne

Frannie in Pieces (Laura Geringer Books) by Delia Ephron - ran across this book at the library in the YA section.  Needed a light read.

Next up..

The Creed of Violence by Boston Tehran

She-Rain: A Story of Hope by Michael Cogdill

Plans by Natalie Smothers

Mailbox Monday! 
Hosted by The Printed Page : Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

Last week in my box : 

What was in your mailbox?


jlshall said...

"Frannie in Pieces" sounds great, and so does "Plans." I'm adding both of those to my TBR list. You've got an excellent list lined up!
Here's mine.

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

I have heard of She-Rain but this is the first time I see the cover. Ooh! Enjoy!

Beth(bookaholicmom) said...

The Lotus Eaters sounds interesting. Have a great reading week!

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Your Mailbox books look good - I hope they're good reads!

Tammy said...

The Secret Keeper sounds intriguing. Can't wait for a review on that one! Have a great week!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I keep seeing "She-Rain" around, and I'm drawn to it, partly because of the name...

Is it a big stretch to go from Laurel-Rain to She-Rain? LOL

I'll be eager to read your thoughts.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I'm re-reading the last book in the Twilight was there and ready to read!

Natalie W said...

So far Frannie In Pieces is an ok read. I would say it would be a good book for a young teenager. Thanks Jlshall
I'm very anxious to read She-Rain, the cover does look good Sheila.
Lotus Eater sounds soooo good I can't wait to read it too Beth!
The Secret Keeper was sent by the author, a good murder mystery Tammy.
Yep Laurel- I'll be sure to let you know what I think of it!
I'm looking forward to reading the Twilight series Krystyn, I hope they are better than the movies.
Thanks everyone for your comments!

Suko said...

I also have The Lotus Eater. Great mailbox!

Anna said...

I'll be reading The Lotus Eaters soon for an April tour. I'm looking forward to your thoughts. Happy reading!

Diary of an Eccentric